Monday, June 15, 2015

Nowhere is...the opening

Nowhere...was a cloudy and rainy day! Luckly not so storming, just a day of November...The opening of the exhibition coincided with the re-opening of the Castle and its island after the restoration and Mulino Day (Mill Day)

Tante nuvole per la mia nuvola! Sopra la testa dei visitatori e sopra Legnano! Non esattamente l'ideale per i picnic e gli eventi all'aperto del Mulino Day, ma per fortuna c'erano le visite guidate gratuite al complesso del Castello con il Museo del Palio e la Pinacoteca...

9.20: Castello Visconteo, Legnano

h 10: re-opening of the Castle and its river island after the works of restoration 
Il Castello e la sua isola fluviale riaprono dopo i restauri

Visiting the Castle island

Visiting the Castle and my exhibition

Giulia Berra 
Nowhere is a cloud 
14 | 6 | 2015  - 28 | 6 | 2015
curated by Fabio Carnaghi
Castello Visconteo, Viale Toselli, Legnano, Italy 

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