Saturday, January 28, 2012


It is incredible how contemporary may put works out of their context. It reserves a neutral space to ancient paintings and statues to preserve their aura, but they seem deformed because of their original perspective tricks, while many contemporary environmental  sculptures loose their power because their authors haven't thought to visual corrections. Think, for example, at Cattelan's L.O.V.E., which is just the development of a little work.


E' incredibile come il contemporaneo decontestualizzi le opere: riserva a quadri e statue antiche uno spazio neutro, che ne garantisce l'aura e trasforma gli originali accorgimenti prospettici funzionali all'ambiente in deformazioni e storture, mentre si dimentica di correggere visivamente molte sculture ambientali, limitandosi a trasporre in grande opere di piccole dimensioni (vedi il celebre ditone di Cattelan), che perdono potenza.

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